2016년 9월 26일 월요일

How to treat T-ZONE that produce excessive sebum


The T-zone is the part of your face consisting of the forehead and nose.
Oil tends to build up in the t-zone, so it's particularly important to exfoliate.

T-Zone means forehead and nose.

What is the cause of skin trouble?
There are many reasons trouble stress, season factor, cleansing etc.
Sebum is the one of the reason that cause trouble.

Over produced sebum causes trouble.

Proper sebum maintains skin health.
But over produced sebum brings on skin trouble.

So then, What is the reason of the excessive production of sebum?
The first reason is skin temperature.
For each 1 in skin temperature,
the percentage of production of sebum increase by 10%.

High temperature increase production of sebum.

Summer skin was more agleam than winter skin because of this.
And the person has oily skin produces more sebum than dry skin by nature.

What is the way reduce sebum, avoid agleam skin?
To control sebum, It is important to manage in skin care step day by day.
The cosmetics for sebum over-production is effective against trouble.

"O'SUM'S T-Zone Sebocontrol Toner" reduces sebum
over-production with green tea extract.
Also, lavender extract help calm and moisturize the skin.

Korea Organic Cosmetics Brand, O'SUM

Online Shop >> http://www.organicsum.com/

Thank you for Reading, Our lovely fans : )

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